Boosting Availability and Productivity of Your Warehouse Solution​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​Sensor trends and solutions for intralogistics systems

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Here's what you will see in our webinar:

In this webinar, you discover our latest sensor trends and solutions for intralogistics systems and see how you can boost efficiency and productivity of your warehouse and material handling solutions. 

Intralogistics is evolving with systems such as shuttles, AGVs/AMRs and conveyors increasing efficiency and availability. With this comes the need for reliable, high-performance and smart sensor solutions that can meet the demands of modern automated systems. Avoiding collisions on a shuttle, checking compartment occupancy on challenging surfaces, or measuring the distance to a pallet on an AGV are just a few typical tasks sensors where sensors have become irreplaceable. 

At Baumer, we offer an innovative portfolio of sensor technologies tailored to enhance your intralogistics operations. Join our upcoming webinar to learn more about our sensor toolbox.

Key Learnings:
  • Most reliable object detection, even from a distance and without reflector 
  • Witness a live demo showcasing a OT500 time-of-flight sensor 
  • Explore our sensor toolbox for intralogistics application
​​​​​​​Products in focus:
Presented by:
Steffen Schneider
Business Development Manager

Roger Altendorf
Senior Product Marketing Manager

30 minutes


You can watch the webinar on your computer, tablet or smartphone.

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